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Counseling and Support

Violence against women - especially violence within the family and in close, emotional relationships - still poses a serious threat to the life and health of women and girls. Women and girls from all cultures need contact points that can offer them protection and point out possible ways forward.


Since 2009, UTAMARA has been offering counselling for women with a migration background who are affected by violence. Depending on their wishes, the counselling can take place in person or by telephone and anonymously. We provide short-term support for women in emergency situations and accompany them in a long-term strengthening and solidary manner.


We attach great importance to developing sustainable solutions together with the women seeking advice. Particularly empowering are experiences, solidarity and support from women who themselves have been affected by violence and have been able to change their life situation. In terms of self-help, so many women are part of our counselling team.


We provide counseling and support

to all women* and especially women with a history of flight and migration

- in difficult life situations

- in emergencies and crisis situations

- for psychological stress

- in legal and social matters, e.g. right of custody and maintenance, right of residence

- when dealing with authorities and other institutions

- in case of conflicts within the family, marriage or civil partnership

- in the case of religiously, culturally and traditionally based forms of violence such as bridal payments, forced marriages and honour killings

- in case of experiences of violence through war, torture or flight


We provide counseling and support

on a voluntary basis, free of charge and on a low-threshold basis.

We help in the search for suitable contact persons and specialist agencies, social or therapeutic offers, women's shelters or protection facilities.


We provide counseling and support

- in person at our advice centre in Kasbach-Ohlenberg and

- by telephone in the entire federal territory.


Native language and culturally sensitive counseling

We know that especially in stressful life situations it is easier to exchange information about one's own problems in the mother tongue and to look for solutions.


Therefore, we offer counselling in Turkish, Kurdish (dialects Kurmancî, Dimilkî and Soranî), English and German. We are native speakers and work with language mediators who can offer consultations in Arabic, Persian, Urdu, French, Italian and Spanish after making an appointment. Please also ask for your language, if necessary we can arrange other services.


We are available MO - FR 09:00 - 14:00 o'clock. Appointments are also possible in the evening or on weekend.


Frauenbegegnungsstätte UTAMARA e.V.

In der Stehle 26

D-53547 Kasbach-Ohlenberg


Phone: 0049 (0) 2644 60 260 60

e-mail: beratung(a)


Frauenbegegnungsstätte UTAMARA e.V.

In der Stehle 26

53547 Kasbach-Ohlenberg

Tel: +49 (0) 2644 602424


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